Section 6: Bible

Here’s a list of the Bible’s 66 books:

  • Divided by Old & New Testaments
  • Sub-Divided by Category
  • Book Name
  • Book Abbreviation
  • Author
  • Date Written

Old Testament
(or, Hebrew Scriptures)


(1.) Genesis (Gen.): Moses, c. 1485 – c. 1445 BC

(2.) Ex.



Major Prophets

Minor Prophets

(39.) Mal. –


Gen. (Moses

Ex. (Moses

Lev. (Moses

Num. (Moses

Deut. (Moses


Jos. (Joshua

Jud. ( ?

Ruth ( ?
9-10. 1 & 2 Sam. (Composite
11-12. 1 & 2 Kg. (Jeremiah?
13-14. 1 & 2 Chr. (Ezra?

Ezra (Ezra?

Neh. (Ezra?

Est. (Ezra / Nehemiah / Mordecai?


Job (Moses

Ps. (Moses, David, etc.

Prov. (Solomon

Ecc. (Solomon

SS. (Solomon

Major Prophets

Isa. (Isaiah

Jer. (Jeremiah

Lam. (Jeremiah

Eze. (Ezekiel

Dan. (Daniel

Minor Prophets

Hos. (Hosea

Joel (Joel

Amos (Amos

Obad. (Obadiah

Jon. (Jonah

Mic. (Micah

Nah. (Nahum

Hab. (Habakkuk

Zeph. (Zephaniah

Hag. (Haggai

Zech. (Zechariah

Mal. (Malachi

New Testament

c. AD 45 – c. 96


(1.) Matthew

(2.) Mark

(3.) Luke

(4.) John


Paul’s Letters

Other Letters


First Book in Bible
The Bible spanned c. 40 authors & c. 1,600 yrs.
1485 – Moses
1445 – Wild.
1405 – Can.
1364 – Judge
1050 – United Monarchy
931 – Israel & Judah Divide
722 – Israel into Captivity
586 – Judah into Captivity
425 – Malachi – Last Book in O.T.
425, “The Silent Years” = No communication until John the Baptist
Calvary, AD 31
NT – 100
Last Book in Bible

OT / Hebrew Scriptures (c. 1485 – c. 425 BC)

New Testament
(c. AD 45 – c. 96)
1. Mt. (Matthew, c. 60’s)
2. Mk. (John Mark, c. 50’s)
3. Lk. (Luke, c. 60)
4. Jn. (John, c. 85-c. 90)
5. Acts (Luke, c. 61)
Paul’s Letters = 14
6. Rom. (c. Early 58)
7. 1 Cor. (c. Spring 57)
8. 2 Cor. (c. Summer 57)
9. Gal. (c. Late 57/Early 58)
10. Eph. (c. 62)
11. Phil. (c. 63)
12. Col. (c. 62)
13. 1 Thess. (c. 51)
14. 2 Thess. (c. Late/Early 52)
15. 1 Tim. (c. 64)
16. 2 Tim. (c. Autumn 66)
17. Titus (c. 65)
18. Phile. (c. 62)
19. Heb. (c. 63

Other Letters
20. Jm. (James, c. 45-c. 50)
21. 1 Pt. (Peter, c. 66)
22. 2 Pt. (Peter, c. 67)
23. 1 Jn. (John, c. 90-c. 95)
24. 2 Jn. (John, c. 90-c. 95)
25. 3 Jn. (John, c. 90-c. 95)
26. Jude (Jude, c. 70-c. 85)

27. Rev. (John, c. 96)

Bible: Moses began OT (or, The Hebrew Scriptures) while in the wilderness. OT = 39 Books (Genesis – Malachi). See Bible box.
400 BC to John the Baptist = “400 Silent years”
NT = 27 Books (Matthew – Revelation). See Bible box.
AD 100 (End of NT)
Rev. 11:3-13 = God’s Two Witnesses (Old & New Testaments):

  1. Prophesied in sackcloth (obscurity) for 1260 days / years (538-1798),
  2. Were killed & lay slain in France 3 1/2 days / yrs. (Nov. 1793 – June 1797),
  3. Were raised & exalted to heaven (i.e., printed & sent everywhere, 1800s…)!

John Wycliffe (c. 1320-1384) translated the Bible into English; Martin Luther (1483-1546) translated the Bible into German; Geneva: NT 1557, OT 1560; KJV: 1611; RSV: NT 1946, OT 1952; LB: 1971; NIV 1978

 1804-British & Foreign  Bible Society (BFBS)

1816-American Bible Society (ABS)
Bibles were made available so everyone worldwide could measure (Rev. 11:1, 2) the truths for Day of Atonement (Oct. 22, 1844 – CP).
Bibles, Testaments, & Portions Printed & Distributed
1804: Only c. 4,000,000 total in print worldwide (estimate)! BFBS: 1804-1955: c. 600,000,000. ABS: 1816: 6,410; 1988: 308,978,098; 1816-1988: 5,309,714,422
By AD 200, 7; 500, 13; 900, 17; 1400, 28; 1800, 57; 1900, 537; 1980, 1,100, & God is adding more! Let’s help God complete spreading His Word worldwide in every language!
Countries (See Mt. 28:18-20)
United Bible Societies (estimate, for 1996): (Africa, 37) + (Americas, 28) + (Asia Pacific, 23) + (Europe-Middle East, 57) = 145!
Israel’s First Kings: