100+ Milemarking Events on Sin’s Long Timeline

Location: Front of Chart


8 Components for Each Mile-Marking Event

  1. Mile Number. If several events happen at the same mile marker, then those events will be followed by: A, B, C, etc.
  2. Event
  3. Abbreviation (if any, used throughout chart)
  4. Date (c. = around; BC = Before Christ; AD = In the year of our Lord; AM = Years since Earth’s Creation Week)
  5. Location on Chart
  6. Brief Description
  7. Why Important
  8. Suggested Reaing


Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before our Earth’s Creation Week recorded in Genesis 1 & 2, the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) existed from all eternity past. The Godhead is love, eternal, the Creator of all things, and therefore existed before all things.

Why Important

This truth removes 3 lies and replaces them with 3 truths:

  1. The evolutionary view for the origin of God’s vast, gorgeous, illimitable universe is replaced with the truth that this universe was created by an intelligent Being with an intelligent design!
  2. The lie that our Creator is a tyrant is replaced by the beautiful truth that our Creator is love!
  3. The foundation of every form of idolatry and is replaced with the beautiful truth that God loves you and has an exciting, satisfying place for you in His vast Unlimited universe that will last forever!

Furthermore, consider this 7 characteristics about God that you’ll find around the edges or border on the front of the chart:

  1. God is merciful (Ex. 34:6, 7) – Front Panel 1
  2. God is just (Zech. 9:9; Rm. 3:26) – Front Panel 2
  3. God is self-sacrificing (2 Cor. 5:19; Lk. 12:37) – Front Panel 3
  4. God is trustworthy (Ruth 2:12; 2 Sam. 22:3; Ps. 62:8) – Front Panel 4
  5. God is the Author of liberty to all (2 Cor. 3:17) – Front Panel 5
  6. God is eternal (Dan. 4:34 – 37) – Front Panel 6
  7. God loves you so (Jer. 31:3; Jn. 16:26, 27)! Therefore, with loving kindness He is drawing you to Himself for an exciting eternity in the Earth made new! – Front Panel 7

What a wonderful Creator and an intelligent Designer-God we serve!

Therefore, share His love with all you meet!

Suggested Reading

  • Ps. 90:1, 2; Col. 1:16, 17; Heb. 9:14.

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, the Godhead created the vast, beautiful, and unlimited universe teeming with life in unlimited galaxies filled with planets and intelligent beings on those planet who love and obey God!

Why Important

See that God’s universe is infinitely larger than heaven and earth and their inhabitants in the vast and unlimited size of God’s vast and magnificent universe!

Suggested Reading

Consider these 8 Items (A – G) Before Going Farther

Size of God’s Vast Universe

No limit!

Isa. 55:8-9, 8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Since God is comparing the height of heaven above earth to the height of His infinite thoughts that have no limit above our finite thoughts that do have limits, then the literal heigh of God vast universe is also without limit! Awesome!

This means we will never exhaust the limits of God’s vast universe for all eternity to explore!

Beings in Universe

  1. Angels in heaven.
  2. Intelligent beings (Job 1:6; 2:1) on the unnumbered worlds (Heb. 1:2; 11:3, KJV)

Contents of God’s Vast Universe

  1. Worlds (Heb. 1:2; 11:3, KJV)
  2. Galaxies
  3. Intelligent beings (Job 1:6; 2:1).

Law of God’s Unlimited Universe

Law of selfless love

God’s law = love…

  • Love God
  • Love mankind

What society can live without that love?

Age of God’s Universe

Key Point

God’s long suffering character (2 Pt. 3:9; 1 Cor. 13:4; Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) expands the age of the universe beyond earth’s approximate 6,000 years.

Consider The Evidence

The following evidences expand the age of God’s vast, illimitable, and breathtakingly beautiful universe and maintain:

  • God is the Creator of the entire universe vs. an evolutionary origin of God’s vast universe.
  • God performed Earth’s Creation Week about 6,000 years ago.
  • God created this vast universe much longer before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2.
  • There is no need for the Bible believing Christian to be caught between 6000 yr earth or evolution. That’s the Fallacy of Bifurcation:
    • Either you believe the earth is about 6,000 years old, or you’ve given into the evolutionary origin of the universe. Really? Why? Upon what Biblical reason?

Evidence 1

God Suffers Long With Every Sinner

  • God is long suffering towards all sinners (2 Pt. 3:9; 1 Cor. 13:4; Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8).
  • Satan sinned in heaven (1 Jn. 3:8; 2 Pt. 2:4) and drew 1/3 of the angels (Rev. 12:4, 7-9).
  • God suffered long with him and the 1/3 of his followers.

Evidence 2

It Takes a Long Time to Go From Loyal to Disloyal to God

  • It takes a long time for each intelligent being to go from total loyal to God to total rebellion against God according to Mt. 24:12 (KJV, See below). That is, no intelligent being goes from full loyalty to God to total rebellion overnight. This process of apostasy is a long process spanning a long time.
  • You may see the final result of a defection suddenly, but the process did not occur rapidly, but gradually, not overnight.
  • This principle is seen in the word “wax” in Mt. 24:12 (KJV): “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
    • See the Strong’s Concordance number for this English word “wax”: 5594. ψύχω yuxō, psoo’-kho; A primary verb; to breathe (voluntarily but gently; thus differing on the one hand from 4154, which denotes properly a forcible respiration; and on the other from the base of 109, which refers properly to an inanimate breeze), that is, (by implication of reduction of temperature by evaporation) to chill (figuratively). :–wax cold.
    • Therefore, Matthew 24:12 reads, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall [gently, gradually grow] cold [or disloyal to God].”
    • Therefore, this word “wax” adds this additional piece that also expands the age of the universe!

Evidence 3

The Number of Fallen Angels Lengthens Time

There were untold numbers of angels that fell with Satan (Rev. 12:4, 7-9), meaning that since each disloyal angel also went gradually from loyalty to God to disloyalty, this war in heaven spanned a lo-o-o-o-ong time! For each angel that fell went through his own, individual, gradual defection process spanning a long time! So add the total time of each individual angel that fell gradually from total loyalty to total rebellion, you discover that this rebellion took a lo-o-o-ong time….because God’s character suffers long with every prodigal that strays from His long-suffering love…not willing that any should perish! What a patient God we serve!

Let’s pause to consider just how many individual angels fell with the devil:

  • Good angels:
    • Many with Elisha (2 Kg. 6:14 = great host; v. 16 = “…for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
    • 1 per person who fears God according to Ps. 34:7 = an enormous number of people worldwide = includes you & me: (Ps. 34:7), “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.”
    • 60,000 for Christ if He requested them according to Mt. 26:53 where Christ said if He asked God for 12 legions of angels (c. 5000 / legion x 12 legions = 60,000 angels), God would have sent 60,000 angels for Him!
    • More than 100,000,000 around God’s throne in Dan. 7:10: 10,000 x 10,000 = 100,000,000

  • Bad angels:
    • Since devil took 1/3 of heaven’s angels with him and Dan. 7:10 says there are at least 100,000,000 good = 2/3 good (Rev. 12:4, 7-9), then bad angel count = at least 50,000,000.
    • Then how long would it take 50,000,000 individual angels to gradually slide from loyal to God to disloyal to God? A lo-o-o-o-ong time!
    • What a patient God and Lo-o-o-o-ong suffering God we serve! God is Love (1 Jn 4:7, 8), and Love suffers L-o-o-o-ong (1 Cor. 13:4).
    • 5000 fallen angels for 2 demoniacs (Mk. 5:9, legion (c. 5000 with just 2 men = 2,500 per person)

Evidence 4

  • Satan is the father, author, and originator of sin (Jn. 8:44; 1 Jn. 3:8).
  • Then they were cast out of Heaven (Eze. 28:16).
  • Satan came to Eve at the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil as an already fallen foe (Gen. 3) seeking to lead her and Adam into rebellion as he had already rebelled against the God of the universe.
  • The purpose of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil was to test Adam & Eve’s loyalty to God if they would obey Him.
  • God doesn’t tempt anyone to disobey Him (Jm. 1:13). Instead, that’s the work of Satan, the originator of sin.
  • The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fruit tree (Gen. 2:17, 18; 3:1-3).
  • God created fruit trees on Day 3 of Earth’s Creation Week (Gen. 1:11).
  • God created Adam and Eve on Day 6 of Earth’s Creation Week (Gen. 1:26 – 28; 5:1 ,2).


  • The existence of evil was already present in the universe 3 days before Adam & Eve were created!
  • God suffered long with Satan and his followers before being cast out of heaven.
  • And there’s no record of how long Lucifer and his followers were loyal to God from the day they were created “till iniquity was found” in Lucifer’s heart (Eze. 28:15, 16; Isa. 14:12 – 14).
  • There are 2 “longs” in this story:
    • A long time from the day Lucifer was created till iniquity was found in his heart (Eze. 28:15, 16).
    • A long time from Satan’s rebellion till he and his followers were cast out of heaven.
  • Therefore, God’s long-suffering character expands the age of God’s vast, unlimited, and breathtakingly beautiful universe beyond Earth’s 6,000 year existence!

Condition of God’s Universe Prior to Sin

Peace and harmony where every being throughout God’s vast created universe loved, worshipped, and adored our Creator God, and lovingly, selflessly served one another!

Characteristics of the Originator & Father of Sin Prior to His Fall

  1. Beauty (Eze. 28:12)
  2. Intelligence (Eze. 28:12)
    • Wiser than Daniel (Eze. 28:3) who was 10 times wiser than the best that Babylon could produce (Dan. 1:20).
  3. Authority – had a throne (Isa. 14:12 – 14)
  4. Musical talents – pipes plural (Eze. 28:13). Perhaps he could sing multiple parts at once!
  5. Moral condition = perfect till iniquity was found in his heart (Eze. 28:15).

The sad reality is that the devil still retains all these characteristics, except the moral one, after his fall, which makes him a formidable, but thankfully, not an invincible foe…through our relying constantly and totally upon God’s Word, written and Living – Jesus Christ our mighty, invincible General Whom the Psalmist describes in Ps. 24:7-10 in these faith-sustaining words:

7Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

8Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

9Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

10Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.


Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, God created Lucifer perfect (Eze. 28:15).

Why Important

God is not responsible for sin or rebellion in His vast universe.

Suggested Reading

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, the entire universe was clean, filled with peace, in total harmony!

Why Important

The reason the entire universe was in harmony and filled with peace is everything was in harmony with God, His selfless character and His law of liberty which they knew and delighted to keep throughout His vast universe. And as long as everything throughout God’s vast universe was in harmony with God’s selfless character and lived in harmony with His great law of liberty, harmony and peace would remain without one discordant strain anywhere throughout God’s vast universe!

But unfortunately a change did come that brought disharmony, pain, tears, suffering, and eventual death where once had been only peace, joy, harmony, and love.

Suggestion Reading

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, the angels knew and obeyed God’s law of liberty and love!

Why Important

By knowing and obeying God’s law of liberty, this is the reason the entire universe was in harmony and filled with peace and harmony throughout God’s vast universe!

Suggested Reading

Iniquity Found In Lucifer’s Heart


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, x…

Why Important


Suggested Reading

2 Covetous Desires


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

  1. Satan coveted God throne and all it power but none of God’s selfless character.
  2. Satan coveted the worship that belongs to God alone.

These 2 covetous desires form the basis of the entire Great Controversy that appeared first in Heaven, moved to this earth the last 6,000 years, and will appear as the basis of Last Day Events on this earth just prior to Christ’s soon return in the last battle in the Great Controversy that will occur on this earth.

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Lucifer Introduced 3 Bold Lies Known as The Great Controversy’s Big & Small Questions


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, Lucifer introduced the Great Controversy’s Big and Small Questions:

Big Question

  1. God is selfish.
  2. God’s law is defective and therefore it must be abolished.
  3. God’s ruling attributes of mercy and justice are incompatible and therefore must be divorced.

Small Question

Lie 3a: An extension of Lie 3 = How can a merciful God forgive sinners and still be just?

Why Important


Suggested Reading

Weapons of Christ & Satan

Christ’s weapons: Truth & love

Satan’s weapons: Flattery, deceit, force.


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

God’s 2 Options

Option 1: Instantly destroy Satan as soon as iniquity was found in his heart to spare the universe of all the suffering that would follow. But the result would be that the angels and inhabitants of the universe would serve God from fear and not love.

But God can only accept obedience that is based upon an intelligent appreciation of His character.

This left Him with only one other option…

Option 2: Give Satan time to develop his principles and let his own works condemn him in the sight of the entire universe.


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Rebellion In Heaven


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, x…

Why Important


Suggested Reading

War In Heaven


Date: Long before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Satan & His Angels Cast Out of Heaven


Date: Shortly before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

14A. Planned of Redemption – Planned


Date: Shortly after CO (Mile 13) &

Shortly Before Earth’s Creation Week (Mile 15)

  • 2Tim. 1:9, Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
  • 1 Pt. 1:20, Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

Location on Chart

Brief Description: Planned in the Counsel of Heaven after Satan was Cast Out (CO) of Heaven and before earth was created (1 Pt. 1:20).

Why Important: x


God’s Plan of Salvation solves 4 problems:

  1. Makes heaven accessible to mankind.
  2. Justifies God and Christ’s dealing with the rebellion of Satan.
  3. Exalts God’s law.
  4. Reveals the nature and results of sin.

Suggested Reading

14B. Messiah (1 of 7) – Elected


Date: Shortly after CO & shortly before CR-PE

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x


Suggested Reading

15A. Creation of Planet Earth


c. 4000 BC / 3958 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

15B. Adam & Eve (G1) Created


Date: c. 3958 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

A. Fall of Mankind



In Earth’s Infancy

Location on Chart

Brief Description: Long before Earth’s Creation Week in Gen. 1 & 2, x…

Why Important


Suggested Reading

16B. The Kingdom of Grace Began & The Plan of Redemption Shared…As the Everlasting Gospel or Covenant Available to Every Nation, People, etc.!

Abbreviation (None)


the Very Day We Fell

Location on Chart


Brief Description: x

Why Important: God was prepared for sin’s terrible emergency. What a prepared God we serve!

Suggested Reading

Adam (G1) Died

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(No Abbr.)


c. 3070 BC

c. 930 yrs. after Earth’s Creation Week

c. 726 yrs. before Flood

When Enoch (Generation 7) was about 308 years old.

When Lamech (Generation 9, Noah’s dad) was 56 yrs. old.

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: The reliability of all the information Christ taught Adam, Adam could then impart directly to the 9th geneartion! Wow! Talking about reliabitly of information transferred to Lamech!

Suggested Reading

Enoch (G7) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time



Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Methusaleh (G8) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time



Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Lamech (G9) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time



Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Enoch (G7) Translated

Abbreviation (None)


c. 987 yrs. after CR-PE

c. 669 yrs. before the Flood (Mile 26)

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Enoch was translated to heaven without tasting death at 365 years of age…wrinkle free!

Why Important

Enoch’s translation to heaven encouraged the righteous that God “…[exists], and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). This truth would prevent the feet of the righteous not to slip like Asaph almost slipped from his loyalty to the God of Heaven when Asaph considered the prosperity of the wicked (Ps. 73:1, 2, 16, 17).

Suggested REading

Noah (G10) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: 600 before Flood

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Flood Predicted

Abbreviation (Flood)

Date (120 yrs before flood)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: 120 years before God brought the flood upon this earth, He warned earth’s entire inhabitants of the coming worldwide flood.

Why Important: This is in harmony with His ruling attribute of mercy that’s on trial in this great controversy, that God gives every opportunity to the wicked to flee destruction so that they may live.

Suggested REading

Shem (G11) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 98 yr. before Flood; c. ;

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Lamech (G9) Died

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Date: 2307 = 5 yrs before Flood

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading


Abbreviation (Flood)

Date (c. 2302 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Tower of Babel

299 Tower Of Babel Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock |  The tower of babel

Abbreviation (No abbr.)

c. 2201 BC = c. 101 years after the Flood

Location on Chart

Brief Description: The Tower of Babel occurred about 2201 B.C.

Why Important: This major event in sin’s history illustrates:

  • Humanity knew God’s command after leaving the ark to fill the whole earth (Gen. 8:15 – 19). But the majority disobeyed God by staying in one place – the plain of Shinar – because they did not believe God and were rebellious against Him.
  • The disbelieving and rebellious people built the tower intending that the entire world would honor them. They would be as gods and rule over the people. This tower was calculated to exalt the builders.
  • Evil may appear to triumph for a time. But sooner or later, God will place a check on evil. For God would not permit them to complete their work. Then all individuals, leaders, and nations will discover the truth the psalmist penned in Psalm 33:10-11 (KJV): 10The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.11The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

Suggested Reading:

  • Gen. 11:1 – 9
  • Tower of Babel, Patriarchs and Prophets, Chapter 10, pp. 117 – 124
  • Tower of Babel, The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, Chapter 9, pp. 91 – 92

Noah (G11) Died

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Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (350 yrs after Flood, c. 1952 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: Noah’s descendants had an opportunity to become acquainted with the requirements of God and the history of His dealings with their fathers for 350 years after the flood!

Suggested REading

Abraham (G20) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time

Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1950 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:

Suggested REading

30A. Call of Abraham (G20)

Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1875 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:

Suggested Reading

30B. Covenant of Grace Given to Abraham for All the Families of Earth


Date: c. 1875 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

30C. Beginning of 430 years to Exodus


Date: c. 1875 – 1445

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Ishmael (G21) Born – Son of the Flesh

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time

Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1864 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:

Suggest Reading

Sodom & Gomorrah

Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1851 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:

Suggested REading

Isaac (G21) Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time

Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1850 BC)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:

Suggested REadindg

Shem (G11) Died

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Abbreviation (No Abbr.)

Date (c. 1802 BC, 500 yrs. after Flood; Abraham = 150 yrs.)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: Shem’s descendants had an opportunity to become acquainted with:

The requirements of God and

The history of His dealings with their fathers…

….for 500 years after the flood!

Also, Shem (Generation 11 from Adam) almost outlived Abraham (Generation 20 from Adam)! Specifically, Shem lived within 25 years of Abraham’s death! Wow! That means Egypt had access Shem and thus the requirements of God and His dealings with their fathers before the flood, including every other civilization that spread out over the earth from the Tower of Babel! That means earth’s civilizations were without excuse if they knew not the requirements of God.

Suggested Reading

Jacob Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 1790 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Levi Born – Priesthood

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 1704 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Judah Born – Kingship to Christ

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 1703 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggeted Reading

Joseph Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 1699 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Joseph Enters Egypt


Date: c. 1682

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Jacob Sees Joseph in Egypt


Date: c. 1660 BC = Middle of 430 years

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggeseted Reading

Jacob Dies at 147

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Date: c. 1643

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Joseph Dies at 110

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Date: c. 1589 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REaing

Moses Born

Beautiful Old Testament Baby Names That Withstand the Test of Time


Date: c. 1525

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

44A. Moses Flees Egypt


Date: 1485

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggeseted REading

44B. Bible Begins in Written Form


Date: 1485 – 1445

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: According to Paul in Galatians 3:8, the Scripture existed in Abraham’s day since the Scriptures preached the gospel of justification by faith for the nations to Abraham:

Gal. 3:8, “And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.”

Now how could the Scripture preach the gospel to Abraham unless the Scriptures existed in Abrahams day and Abraham knew and had access to the Scriptures…that preached the gospel of justification to all nation by faith?

This raises another interesting question: How could the Scriptures be available to Abraham since the Bible was not begun in written form (key phrase) until Abraham’s great-great-great-great-grandson, Moses, began to place the Bible in written form (key phrase) some 400 years in the future of Abraham?

Simple: God has continually spoken to mankind:

  • Before the fall – face to face
  • After the fall – through
    • Christ
    • Heavenly angels, and
    • The Scriptures:
      • Fall to Moses – Word of mouth
      • Moses to Second ComingWritten form
  • Second Coming – face to face once again for all eternity!

Suggested Reading

45A. Exodus


c. 1445 B.C.

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

45B. Mt. Sinai = Mt of Law & Grace


Date: 1445

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Sugested REading

46A. Moses Dies at 120

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Date: 1405 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

46B. Moses Resurrected at 120


Date: 1405 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

46B. Israel Enters Canaan


Date: 1405 – 1364

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Judges Begin


Date: 1364 – 1050

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

  • J1: Othiel, 40 yrs., c. 1356 – c. 1316 BC
  • J2 (K5): x
  • J3 (K6): x
  • J4 (K7): x
  • J5 (K8): x
  • J6 (K9): x
  • J7 (K10): x
  • J8 (K11): x
  • J9 (K12): x
  • J10 (K13): x
  • J11 (K14): x
  • J12 (K15): x
  • J13 (K16): x
  • J14: Samuel, c. 1079 – c. 1050

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Israel’s United Kingdom


1050 – 931

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

  • K1: Saul, 40 yrs., 1050 – 971
  • K2: David, 40 yrs., 1011 – 971
  • K3: Solomon, 40 yr., 971 – 931

Why Important: x

Suggeseted REading

Israel & Judah Divide


Date: 931 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

  • 19 kings – Israel
    • I1: Jeroboam, 21 yrs., 931 – 910 BC
    • I2: x
    • I3: x
    • I4: x
    • I5: x
    • I6: x
    • I7: x
    • I8: x
    • I9: x
    • I10: x
    • I11: x
    • I12: x
    • I13: x
    • I14: x
    • I15: x
    • I16: x
    • I17: x
    • I18: x
    • I19: Hosea, 10 yrs., 732 – 722 BC
  • 19 kings – Judah
    • J1 (K4): Rehoboam, 18 yrs., 931 – 913 BC
    • J2 (K5): x
    • J3 (K6): x
    • J4 (K7): x
    • J5 (K8): x
    • J6 (K9): x
    • J7 (K10): x
    • J8 (K11): x
    • J9 (K12): x
    • J10 (K13): x
    • J11 (K14): x
    • J12 (K15): x
    • J13 (K16): x
    • J14 (K17): x
    • J15 (K18): x
    • J16 (K19): x
    • J17 (K20): x
    • J18 (K21): x
    • J19 (K22): Zedekiah, 11 yrs., 597 – 586 BC

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Northern Kingdom in Captivity


Date: 722 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading


Have Symbols from D2: Gold/ D7: Lion; D8: – ; D10 – 12: –


605 – 539 B.C.

= 66 yr. lifespan (short)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Temple


Date: 586 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading



539 – 331 B.C.

208 yrs (not eternal)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggeted Reading

54A. 2300 Day Prophecy


457 BC – Oct. 22, 1844

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

54B. 70 Week Prophecy


457 BC – AD 34

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggesed REading

400 Silent Years Begin


Date: c. 425 BC – AD 27

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

70 Week Prophecy


408 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading



331 – 168 B.C.

163 yrs (not eternal)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggesetd REading


Mapping the Ancient Roman Empire: Digital Proposal – Digital History Methods


168 BC – AD 476

643 yrs (not eternal)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Christ Born


c. 3 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Herod Tried to Kill Christ


c. 1 BC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Christ Baptized


Spring, AD 27

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Christ Died & Rose Again


Spring, AD 31

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Stephen Stoned


Autumn, AD 34

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Jerusalem Destroyed


AD 70

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Church 1 of 7


c. 31 – 100

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Church 2 of 7



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

The Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8-11 (Biblical Stories Explained) - YouTube

Trumpet 2 of 7



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

A. 1290 Day Prophecy


AD 508 – 1798

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reding

68B. 1335 Day Prophecy


AD 508 – 1843

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

1260 Day Prophecy


AD 538 – 1798

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Trumpet 5 of 7

The Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8-11 (Biblical Stories Explained) - YouTube



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Trumpet 6 of 7

The Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8-11 (Biblical Stories Explained) - YouTube



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggestd Reading

Church 5 of 7



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Pilgrims Head for New World



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Lisbon Earthquake


Nov. 1, 1755

Location on Chart – Front, Panels 5 – 6

Brief Description: On Nov. 1, 1755, there was an earthquake centered in Lisbon, Portugal, that was felt in the greater part of Europe, Africa, and America.

Why Important: This was the 1st of 3 signs Christ gave in Matthew 24’s signs of the times that was designed to arouse God’s people for the events connected with the Close of Probation (CP). Read GC 308:1 – 311:2)

Suggested REading



July 4, 1776 – SC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Dark Day


AD May 19, 1780

Location on Chart – Front, Panels 5 – 6

Brief Description: On May 19, 1780, the sun was darkened and the moon had the appearance of blood.

Why Important: This was the 2nd of 3 signs Christ gave in Matthew 24’s signs of the times that was designed to arouse God’s people for the events connected with the Close of Probation (CP). Read GC 308:1 – 311:2)

Suggested REading

USA Constitution


Sept. 17, 1787

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

French Revolution


1789 – 1799

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggesetd REading

Time of the End


AD 1798 – SC

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

British & Foreign Bible Society



AD 1804

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

American Bible Society

How the American Bible Society Became Evangelical... | Christianity Today


AD 1816

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

5th Annual Sabbath

(Trumpeteers / Court Criers Worldwide)


c. 1818 – 1844

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

(1) Lacunza, South America

(2) Joseph Wolff, Missionary to the world

(3) Edward Irving, England

(4) Horatio Bonar, Scotland

(5) Heinzpeter, Holland

(6) Bengel, German, Southern Russia

(7) Gaussen, France & Switzerland

(8) Children preachers, Sweden

(9) William Millers, USA, 1831 – 1844

Sugested Reading

Stars Fall


Nov. 13, 1833

Location on Chart – Front, Panels 5 – 6

Brief Description: x

Why Important: This event was designed to arouse God’s people for the events connected with the Close of Probation.

Suggested REading

Prediction of Fall of Ottoman Empire



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Aug. 11, 1840

Brief Description: x

Why Important: When this prediction was known, multitudes were convinced of the principles of prophetic interpretation (GC 334:4 – 335:1).

Cleansing of Sanctuary


Oct. 22, 1844 – CP

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

How to Prepare

An Attempt Has Already Been Made in Liberty Loving America on…

May 21, 1888

USA speaks through legislative & judicial enactments.

It seems impossible to imagine intolerance could ever rear its ugly head here in liberty loving America. But the attempt has already been made, but thankfully defeated.


Blair Bill

By US Senator H. W. Blair of New Hampshire proposed a national Sunday law

    At the 50th Congress, 1st Session

S. 2983

Sec. 1. “In the Senate of the United States, May 21, 1888, Mr. Blair introduced the following bill, which was read twice, and referred to the Committee on Education and Labor:“A bill to secure to the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly known as the Lord’s day, as a day of rest, and to promote its observance as a day of religious worship.”Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the United States of America in Congress Assembled. That no person, or corporation, or the agent, servant, or employee of any person or corporation, shall perform or authorized to be performed any secular work, labor, or business to the disturbance of others, works of necessity, mercy, and humanity excepted; nor shall any person engage in play, game, or amusement, or recreation, to the disturbance of others, on the first day of the week, commonly known as the Lord’s day [Sunday], or during any part thereof, in any territory, district, vessel, or place subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States [National]; nor shall it be lawful [Law]or in a person or corporation to receive pay for labor or service performed or rendered in violation of this section.

Sec. 2. No mails or mail matter show here after be transported in time of peace over any land postal route, nor shall any mail matter be collected, assorted, handled, or delivered during any part of the first day of the week; Provided, That whenever any letter shall relate to a work of necessity or mercy, or shall concern the health, life, or decease of any person, and the fact shall be plainly stated upon the face of the envelope containing the same, the postmaster-general shall provide for the transportation letter.

Sec. 3. That the prosecution of commerce between the States and with the Indian tribes, the same not being work of necessity, mercy, or humanity, by the transportation of persons or property by land or water in such a way as to interfere with or disturb the people in the enjoyment of the first day of the week, or any portion thereof, as a day of rest from labor, the same not being labor of necessity, mercy, or humanity, or it’s observance as a day of religious worship, is hereby prohibited; and any person or corporation, who shall willfully violate this section, shall be punished by a fine of no less than ten or more than thousand dollars, and no service performed in the prosecution of such prohibited commerce shall be lawful, nor shall any compensation be recoverable or be paid for the same.

Sec. 4. That all military and naval drills musters, and parades, not in time of active service or immediate preparation therefore, of soldiers, sailors, marines, or cadets of the United States, on the first day of the week, except assemblies for the due and orderly observance of religious worship, are hereby prohibited, nor shall any unnecessary labor be performed or permitted in the military or naval service of the United States on the Lord’s day.

Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful to pay or to receive payment or wages in any manner for service rendered, or for labor performed, or for the transportation of persons or of property in violation of the provisions of this act, nor shall any action lie for the recovery thereof, and when so paid, whether in advance or otherwise, the same may be recovered back by whoever shall first sue for the same.

Sec. 6 That labor or service performed and rendered on the first day of the week in consequence of accident, disaster, or unavoidable delays in making the regular connections upon postal routes and routes of travel and transportation, the preservation of perishable and exposed property, and the regular and necessary transportation and delivery of articles of food in condition for healthy use, and such for transportation for short distances from one State, district or Territory into another State, district, or Territory as by local laws shall be declared to be necessary for the public good, shall not be deemed violations of this act, but the same shall be construed, so as far as possible, to secure to the whole people rest from toil during the first day of the week, their mental and moral culture, and the religious observance of the Sabbath day.”

Judicial – 1893 Chicago worlds fair

link: http://adventmessenger.org/the-true-work-of-religious-liberty/


Date: May 21, 1888

Location on Chart

Brief Description

Why Important

Suggested Reading

Wound Healing



Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Snares of Satan


Date: Now = Pre-NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

  • The Great Controversy, Chapter 32

Liberty of Conscience Threatened


Date: Now, pre-NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

  • The Great Controversy, Chapter 35

The Impending Conflict


Date: Now, pre-NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

  • The Great Controversy, Chapter 36

The Scriptures a Safeguard


Date: Now, pre-NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important:  “None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test: Shall I obey God rather than men? The decisive hour is even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of God’s immutable word? Are we prepared to stand firm in defense of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?” The Great Controversy, 593.2

Suggested Reading

  • The Great Controversy, Chapter 37

The Final Warning


Date: Before NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

  • The Great Controversy, Chapter 38

The National Sunday Law


Date: Soon

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

How to prepare?

Close of Probation


Date: After NSL

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Christ Receives Kingdom


Date: After CP

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Readin

7 Last Plagues / Jacob’s Time of Trouble


Date: After RK

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading

Second Coming


Date: Soon

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading



Date: Immediately After SC

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested REading

Punishment of Wicked


Date: Between SC & NE

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggeted Reading

New Earth


James S. White, Bible Adventism, The Second Coming

Date: 1000 yrs after SC (Mile 97)

Location on Chart

Brief Description: x

Why Important: x

Suggested Reading: x

Greatest Love Story (13 of 14): sets up

Greatest Love Story (14 of 14): All live happily ever after!

God’s Law – 12 of 12: Redeemed know & obeyed.

The redeemed will keep God’s Law in the New Earth (NE) (Rev. 22:14, KJV; Isa. 66:22, 23) For won’t we love God and our neighbors there (Mt. 22:35 – 40; 2 Pt. 3:13, NRSV; Isa. 65:17 – 25)?

To all Eternity Future (EF), “God is love”…