Section 7. Seven Nations

Compare each nation’s lifespan with the lifespan of God’s eternal kingdom & to this earth’s 6,000 years. Not so lengthy is it, & humbling, too (Mt. 16:26; Lk. 6:46-49)?

  1. Babylon 605-539 BC = 66 yrs
  2. Medo-Persia 539-331 BC = 208 yrs
  3. Greece 331-168 BC = 163 yrs
  4. Rome (Pagan) 168 BC-AD 476 = 643 yrs (no 0 yr.)
  5. Europe (10 toes) AD 476 – SC = 1,535 yrs., so far
  6. France (1 of 10 toes) AD 476 – SC = 1,535 yrs., so far
  7. USA AD 1776 – SC = 235 yrs., so far