Sin’s 3 Bold Lies

From the very moment God began creating all things, everything, animate and inanimate, was filled with peace and in complete harmony with His character, law, and the principles of His Government throughout His vast, unlimited universe…


…that sad day when iniquity was found in the heart of the highest, most intelligent, gifted, and beautiful angel God ever created (Eze. 28:15; Isa. 14:12 – 14).

God named that gifted angel, Lucifer, which means, son of the morning (Isa. 14:12).

Lucifer once:

  • Loved God,
  • Adored God,
  • Worshipped God,
  • Sang God’s praises, and…
  • Led and deepened the love, loyalty, adoration, and praise of all the intelligent beings in God throughout His vast universe that He made.

But from the day iniquity was found in his heart, all that began to change.

This most intelligent and gifted angel began to war against God…and in heaven, of all places (Rev. 12:3, 7-9)!

In fact, he began to secretly draw the worship, allegiance, and praise that rightfully belongs to God and God alone to himself.

But he didn’t stop there. This most intelligent and gifted angel began to subtly accuse God of the following 3 serious false accusations before the entire, onlooking universe!

And they weren’t clumsy accusations that were easily understood and answered! Not at all! The devil was too smart for that.

Instead, Satan’s 3 accusations were so devious that it has taken 1,000s of years till Calvary and beyond to unmask and lay each accusation bare before God’s entire onlooking universe!

Here are Satan’s 3, serious, devious, and false accusations he accused God of before His entire, onlooking universe:

Lie 1

God is selfish & oppressive.

God claims all and gives nothing (Mt. 25:24,25).

God requires the service of His creatures for His own glory and make no sacrifice for their good.

Lie 2

God’s law is defective and restrictive of our liberty. Therefore, it must be abolished.

Lie 3

God’s ruling attributes of mercy and justice that God bases His government on are incompatible. Therefore, they must be separated and His government needs adjustments, too.

Now…how do you believe God felt?

And more importantly, how do you believe God will resolve these false accusations?

With force, or truth and love.

And remember, all God’s onlooking universe is watching what He will do and how He will resolve these 3 bold lies…