Panel E – Keys to Explain Daniel (3 of 3) – 5 Additional Keys

Use these 5 additional keys to unlock the rich details Christ has tucked within each symbol, chapter, & verse in Daniel 1-12 to understand, apply, & share its truths correctly. Christ wants us to understand Daniel (Mk. 13:14).

Key 1


Daniel 1 – 12 can be divided into two parts:
1. Prophecies of future events from Babylon to Eternity Future (2, 7, 8, 9, & 10 to 12), and,
2. Stories about the character all must develop through Christ to live through those prophesied events (1, 3, 4, 5, & 6).

Key 2

Worship – In Last Day Events

Daniel mentions worship 11 times in 11 verses (Dan. 2:46; 3:5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 28). In other words, Daniel shows us that whom we worship is the deciding issue in the final scenes of this earth’s history: either Christ who invites all people to worship Him, or Satan who forces all people to worship him on pain of death (Dan. 3; Rev. 13). So whose kingdom do you wish to be a part of and what ruler do you want at the helm of your life sitting on the throne of the universe: Christ, the Prince of light with life and liberty for all, or Satan, the prince of darkness with bondage and death for all (John 10:10)?

Key 3

Retrace, Repeat, & Enlarge Principle

Daniel’s 12 chapters are not written in chronological order. Instead, they go forward to the fall of Babylon (chap. 1 – 6), then retrace their steps to two events during the life of Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson (chap. 7, 8), then return to the kingdom of Medo-Persia and complete the prophecies there (chap. 9 – 12). So if we want to read Daniel’s chapters in chronological order, we must read them like this: 1 (605 BC), 2 (c. 603 / 602), 3 (c. 594 / 593), 4 (c. 569), 7 (c. 550), 8 (c. 548), 5 (Oct. 13, 539), 6 (c. 539), 9 (539), 10 to 12 (c. 536/ 535):

Direction Chap. Date (BC) Detail
Start 1 605 Neb.’s 1st year
Forward 2 603 / 602 Neb.’s 2nd year
Forward 3 c. 594 / 593 Fiery furnace
Forward 4 c. 569 Neb.’s conversion
Forward 5 Oct. 13, 539 Babylon falls
Forward 6 c. 539 Daniel & Lions’ Den
Back 7 c. 550 Belshazzar’s 1st year
Forward 8 c. 548 Belshazzar’s 3rd year
Forward 9 539 Cyrus’ 1st year
Forward 10 – 12 537 / 536 Cyrus’ 3rd year

This means:

(1) a prophetic book does not have to be laid out or interpreted chronologically. Instead, it may cover a certain time frame in one chapter & return to that same time frame in following chapters & cover the same time frame with a new focus & detail.

(2) When the student of Daniel sees that Daniel uses this principle, he can make correct interpretations & will find Daniel making consistent sense. Otherwise, if the student of Daniel does not use this retrace principle, he will draw wrong conclusions & make misinterpretations & misapplications. This principle is that important for interpreting Daniel correctly. Revelation also uses this principle (Panel G-Key 4).

Key 4

A Few Prophetic Symbols

Beast = Kingdom (Dan. 7:3, 17, 23)
Forehead = Mind (Rev. 7:3; Rm. 12:2)
Head = Kingdom (Dan. 7:6; 8:8, 22)
Horn = Kingdom (Dan. 8:8, 21-22)
Waters = Peoples (Rev. 17:15; Isa. 17:12, 13); amount implies density
Winds = War (Jer. 51:1, 2, 11; 4:11-13)
Wings = Swiftness (Hab. 1:6-8)

Woman-Pure = True church (2 Cor. 11:2; Jer. 6:2)
Woman-Corrupt = Apostate church (Jer. 3:12-14, 20-22; Hos. 3:1; Eze.23:1-21)


Blue = Loyalty (Num. 15:37-41)
Purple = Royalty (Mk. 15:15-18)
White = Purity (Ps. 51:7; Isa. 1:18)


1 = Unity (Eph. 4:4-6)
6 = Earth & man: Earth created in 6 days; man created on 6th day (Gen. 1)
7 = Divine perfection (Gen. 2:1-3)
8 = A new beginning (2 Pt. 2:5)
12 = Kingdom of God (Rev. 12:1)


Day = Year (Eze. 4:6; Panel J)

For a longer list, see (or,

Key 5

Outline – God’s Kingdom vs. Mans’ Kingdoms Regarding God’s Character, Law, & Kingship

Mans’ Kingdoms Dates
1. Babylon (605 – 539 BC)
2. Medo-Persia (539 – 331 BC)
3. Greece (331 – 168 BC)
Kings of the North (312 – 64 BC)…
Kings of the South (305 – 30 BC)…
4a. Rome – Pagan (168 BC – AD 476)
The Messiah (3 BC – AD 31)
4b. Rome – Papal (538 – SC)
1260 year rule (538 – 1798)
Polluted sanctuary (538 – 1798)
Persecuted saints (538 – 1798)
Exalted self (538 – 1798)
The Crusades (1000 – 1200)
1290 days (508 – 1798)
1335 days (508 – 1843)
5. Europe (476 – SC)
Time of the End (1798 – SC)
King of the North (1798 – SC)…
King of the South (1789 – SC)…
God’s Kingdom: Phase 1 of 3

(1) Setup 1844 – CP
Time of Trouble CP – SC

God’s Kingdom: Phase 2 of 3

2a. Smite Second Coming
2b. Consume After 1,000 years

God’s Kingdom: Phase 3 of 3
3. Fills Earth After 1,000 years
Eternity Future SC – Eternity

Gold (32)
Silver (32)
Brass (32)

Iron legs (33)

Iron legs (33)

Feet & toes (33)

Stone cut (34, 35)

God’s Kingdom: Phase 1 of 3 Pre-Advent Judgment (Cut out, 2:34 = Set up a kingdom, 2:44)

Stone cut (34, 35)

God’s Kingdom: Phase 2 of 3 Second Coming (Smite) & Punishment of the Wicked (Consume)

Stone smites (34, 35)
Stone consumes (35, 44)

God’s Kingdom: Phase 3 of 3 Fills the Whole Earth Forever! (the New Earth Forever!)

Stone fills earth (35)
Stands forever (44)

7 Lion (4) Bear (5) Leopard (6)

4th Beast (7, 8)
Son of Man (13)
Horn (8)

21, 25
8, 20, 25

10 horns (7)

9 – 14

11, 26

18, 22, 27


Ram (20)
Goat (21)

Horn (9)
Prince (25)
Horn (10)
10b, 24
11, 25

17, 19




Horn (9)
Prince (25)
Horn (10)
10b, 24
11, 25

17, 19



10 – 12

11:3, 4

Historic: Seleucids (Syria), against the Beautiful Land (Israel) 11:5 – 15
Historic: Ptolemies (Egypt), against the Beautiful Land (Israel) 11:5 – 15

11:16 – 22
Michael (12:1)
11:23 – 39
11:32 – 34
11:35 – 39
11:23 – 30

11:40 – 12:4

Modern: Papacy (In obscurity, 1798-NSL. Wound healed, NSL-SC) 11:40-45
Modern: Sodom (Licentiousness) & Egypt (Atheism, Rev. 11:8; Ex. 5:2), 11:40

11:40 – 12:1, 4
12:1 – 3

12:2, 3

12:2, 3
12:2, 3